Icons of American Animation is a unique collaborative effort involving McDaniel College, the Carroll County Arts Council, and the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design at George Washington University, with professional assistance from the National Gallery of Art. Designed as a dual-venue presentation, the art will be displayed concurrently at both McDaniel College and the Carroll County Arts Council, which are located less than one-half mile from each other in Westminster, MD.
Ali Adamson, Gauge Digital Media
Reem Alem, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Aseel Alrajhi, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Josh Ambrose, McDaniel College
Richard Brett, McDaniel College
Andrew Chang, Ain’t That a Frame
Lou Chang, Ain’t That a Frame
Rebekah Charleston, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Danielle Coates, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Gwen Coddington, McDaniel College
Jingwei Dai, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Robin Dewey, McDaniel College
Faculty Development Committee, McDaniel College
Joe Dominick, City of Westminster, MD
Caroline Eisenhuth, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Tracy Fleming, McDaniel College
Brenda Frazier, McDaniel College
Jordana Goldenberg, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Chloe Irla, McDaniel College
Julia Jasken, McDaniel College
Yu Jie, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Maren Jones, Pixar Animation Studios
Jessica Layton, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Donna Kirk, National Gallery of Art
Cheryl Knauer, McDaniel College
Mark Leithauser, National Gallery of Art
Debra Lemieux, If Then Creativity
Ron Magliozzi, Museum of Modern Art
Galen Martin
Mike McMullin, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce
Virginia Miroy, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Crystal Moran, McDaniel College
Katy Mull, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Veera Pfaffli, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Kyrsten Polanish, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Udomdej Puenpa, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Jenny Robb, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
Bailey Ryan, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Deborah Seidel, McDaniel College
Vicky Shaffer, McDaniel College
Brian Walker, Comicana Inc.
Sakiyna Washington, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Anne Wilsey, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design
Art Wisner, McDaniel College
Corey Wronski, McDaniel College
Yunwen Zhu, Corcoran College of the Arts & Design