Originally scheduled for January 2021, Icons of American Animation is a dual-venue exhibition presented concurrently at McDaniel College and the Carroll County Arts Council, which are located less than one-half mile from each other in Westminster, MD. Spanning the 20th century, with over 150 pieces of original animation art, the exhibit promises to be one of the largest of its kind, with an emphasis on notable characters, films, animators, and production studios associated with both film and television. The artwork speaks to the rich history of one of the most popular and influential art forms in America. With original concept drawings, paintings, cels, storyboards, and music sheets, the exhibit highlights animation’s cultural impact, artistic relevance, technological achievements, and historical moments in time.
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The artwork is on loan from the Mike & Jeanne Glad and Glad Family Trust. Mr. Glad has collected animation artwork for over 40 years, and his collection is recognized as one of the most extensive private collections in the world. Numerous pieces from the collection have been loaned to museums in Asia, Europe, and the U.S., including such notable U.S. museums as the Walt Disney Family Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Brandywine Museum of Art.
The exhibition is a dual-venue exhibit, with artwork on display at the following locations:
Esther Prangley Rice Gallery, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD Open: M-F 10-4; Sat 12-5; Closed: Sun
Tevis Gallery, Carroll County Arts Council, Westminster, MD Open: M, F, Sat 10-4; Tu & Th 11-7; Closed: Wed & Sun
In conjunction with the exhibition, a variety of events are planned in conjunction with our collaborative partners.
Public Reception: Tevis Gallery, Carroll Arts Center, Thursday, January 27, 2022, 5-7 p.m.
Public Reception: Rice Gallery, McDaniel College, Thursday, January 27, 2022, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Whimsy – Exhibit featuring work inspired by fictional characters, created by local artists : Community Gallery, Carroll Arts Center, January 17 – March 5, 2022
Blender Basics: Simple Rigging for Animation (online video), Friday, February 25, 2022 at 2pm. For ages 12+. Learn tips and tricks to make a Blender model move and to prep it for 3D animation! This video will also cover the basic functionality of the Pose Mode (Animation Mode) in Blender. https://ccpl.librarymarket.com/events/blender-basics-simple-rigging-animation
Make Animated Zoetrope Art, Eldersburg Public Library, February 26, 2022, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Use an old animation technique to draw some illustrations and see them come to life! Join us in Exploration Point! Use a template to create drawings and place them on a zoetrope — a rotating machine that creates the illusion of movement to view your illustrations in motion. Please be aware that this program will include the use of strobe lights. Registration required. https://ccpl.librarymarket.com/events/make-animated-zoetrope-art
Animated Film Screening: “Up” (PG), Carroll County Arts Council, Friday, March 4, at 1 p.m. (captioned) and 7:30 p.m.
Flipbook Animation Camp, Finksburg Public Library, (pick-up kit with online video), Friday, March 4, 2022, 12:00 p.m. Learn how to create your own short cartoon! Register to get a take-home kit, or just watch the video and try it with supplies you have at home. Registration is required to receive a kit but not to view the video. View on our Facebook Page or our YouTube channel. https://ccpl.librarymarket.com/events/flipbook-animation-camp-1
Animated Film Screening: Oscar Nominated Animation Shorts, Carroll County Arts Council, March 6, at 1 p.m. NOTE: The animated shorts has an R rating.